Film Photography

Personal Film Photography Project and Cultural Immersion Experience

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Film Photography
PROJECT Overview

This selection of photos was taken during my time living and working abroad in the highlands of Guatemala from January 2018 until June 2019. Depicted are family, friends, neighbors, coworkers, colleagues, and some of the most breathtaking landscape I've ever had the pleasure of beholding... though honestly still nothing in comparison to the humans that grace these snapshots in time. Though I am proud of these photos, I am undoubtedly more proud of the experiences and the stories they represent.

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Personal Film Photography Project and Cultural Immersion Experience
Personal Film Photography Project and Cultural Immersion Experience

How I approached this experience

In most ways, it wasn't hard besides waiting for mutually totally comfortable situations, getting a good light reading, and knowing how to work my AE-1. Essentially, all I had to do was be present amongst the people, the textiles, the colors, the sounds, and the smells. Guatemala did the rest for me. Every click was a new lesson it seems.

My favorite takeaway:
An entirely changed perspective on and approach to life... that's all!

For more on my experience living abroad, take a gander at the EP Blog which chronicles many of my photos, thoughts, ramblings, and breakthroughs.