Brand Identity

International Non-Profit Organization providing health, healing, and education with the people of Guatemala

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CRM Work
Email Marketing Design
Campaign Design
PROJECT Overview

Since living and working in the highlands of Guatemala from January 2018 to June 2019, I have remained dedicated to helping Project Salud y Paz share their important mission with the world.

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International Non-Profit Organization providing health, healing, and education with the people of Guatemala
International Non-Profit Organization providing health, healing, and education with the people of Guatemala

How I help Salud y Paz share their important mission with the world

When based in Guatemala, I was managing the social media presence, print and digital marketing materials, as well as guiding medical, optical, and construction teams into the highlands for ten days at a time. Now my work with Project Salud y Paz happens from the United States and ranges anything from designing a social media post all the way to working with the director to build a multi-faceted fundraising event campaign and helping them execute it.

Rave Results:

Levels of fundraising engagement up, Giving Tuesday funds of $30k+ in one day, more monthly givers than ever

My favorite part of the work I do with Salud y Paz is how hands-on it is, even from afar. I work with a director who is open to new ideas; someone who recognizes me as a thought leader and vice versa. I know that the work I'm doing with my colleagues makes an incredible direct impact.

Project Management & Video Production by: Nikki Gensmer